⛔️ Deprecated ⛔️

Kubectl plugin for ingress management

⛔️ Deprecated ⛔️

This project is now deprecated and archived as the official cli “kubectl” does implement ingress creation/modification natively without the need of a plugin.

See : https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubectl/kubectl-commands#-em-ingress-em-


No Maintenance Intended

Kubectl plugin for ingress management for linux/mac


You need kubectl, grep and bash to run this plugin.

For --cluster-issuer and --issuer flags, you must setup cert-manager and create a ClusterIssuer or an Issuer.


This plugin is made of a simple bash script : kubectl-ingress . To install this plugin, it just have to be available in your PATH.

One line installation/upgrade :

curl https://kubectl-ingress.infrabuilder.com/kubectl-ingress | sudo tee /usr/local/bin/kubectl-ingress && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kubectl-ingress

General usage

To list ingresses :

kubectl ingress list

To edit an ingress :

kubectl ingress edit {name}

To create an ingress :

kubectl ingress create --help

To create or update an ingress :

kubectl ingress apply --help

To display version

kubectl ingress version

Standard kubectl parameters passthrough

All arguments taht are non specific to this plugin are given to kubectl command so that you can use --namespace, --context, --dry-run, -o yaml, and many more as you will do with any other command

You can generate an ingress yaml without sending it on the api :

kubectl ingress create web --url=example.com=web:80 --dry-run -o yaml > myingress.yml

Create vs Apply

If you want to create an ingress, and do nothing it it already exists, you have to use create subcommand.

Example :

kubectl ingress create web --url=example.com=web:80

If you want to create an ingress or update it if it already exist, you have to /update (upsert) Example :

kubectl ingress apply web --url=example.com=web:80

kubectl ingress create/apply usage

Create and apply usage is exactly the same, just the behavior changes. Following usage is for create, and is the output of kubectl ingress create -h.

Usage: kubectl ingress create [opts] {name} --url=hostname/uri=service:port [--url=...]

Option list :


Create an ingress rule “web” routing “example.com” to service “web” on port 80

kubectl ingress create web --url=example.com=web:80

Create same ingress with short flags :

kubectl ingress create web -u example.com=web:80

TLS activation :

kubectl ingress create web-tls -u example.com=web:80 --tls

Ingress rule “sites” with multiple url rules and uri routing:

kubectl ingress create sites -u example.com=web:80 -u api.example.com/api/v1=myapp:8080

With custom annotation:

kubectl ingress create example -u example.com=web:80 -a nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target=/

Using cert-manager (automatically enable –tls):

kubectl ingress create mysite -u example.com=web:80 --cluster-issuer=letsencrypt

Simple ingress with custom ingress class “external” :

kubectl ingress create api -u api.example.com=api:8080 --class external